Thursday, January 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Inspection and Contactor Responsibilities

The Contractor shall carry out all inspections necessary to demonstrate that the manufacture of Plant, production and manufacture of Materials and all other execution of the Works are in compliance with the requirements of the Contract and the Contractor’s Documents. The Engineer shall be entitled to inspect the Plant, Materials and the Works from time to time during and after manufacturing, production, installation or execution. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect all Plant prior to shipment and observe testing, at manufacturer’s premises or factory, of all major Plant, including motors, pumps, compressors, engine generators, and other Materials and Plant as determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall give the Engineer written notice, well in advance, of the production or manufacture at Site or at a place off the Site of any Plant or Materials to be used in the Works, stating place and time of manufacture or production so that the Engineer may make inspections at all stages of the manufacturing or production process. The Contractor shall also give written notice to the Engineer whenever any part of Works is ready, to enable the Engineer to make inspections, before it is covered up or put out of sight. Failure to give such notice may result in the rejection of the Plant, Materials, component or any part of the Works, if the Engineer considers that his inspection was necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Contract or Contractor’s Documents. The Contractor shall be responsible for reasonable transportation and accommodation costs that may be incurred by three persons per trip from the Employer to inspect the manufacturing/ production of or to witness the testing of Materials or Plant at manufacturers premises in any country.

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